Mobile Secure and Rugged Radio Terminals

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AT Communication International Introduces Mobile, Secure, and Rugged Radio Terminals 

Data-TerminalsWe happy to introduce a new line of ultra-rugged data terminals and messaging applications, providing rapid implementation of secure data services for HF, VHF, or UHF radio networks.

The RT5 Tactical Data Terminal for mobile military communications extends digital messaging from the front line to mobile or fixed command centers.
The RA5 Secure Data Terminal provides an intuitive user interface and minimal training, for rapid deployment by first responders, security, government agencies and paramilitary users.
By offering an extensive collection of software applications and modems to complement the line of HF, VHF, and UHF radio systems, AT Communication International  is significantly improving our ability to serve the rapid mobilization requirements for military/security, first responders, naval and government organizations.   
In addition to the new line of data terminals, the company is providing high performance modems with enhanced data rates and a secure gateway between tactical radios, and email messaging. Enabling efficient and simple to use messaging, users can rapidly deploy radio networks for data messaging; even when voice communication is not possible.

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