SPECON - Spectrum Control SW
- SW intended for frequency monitoring and searching new radio signal sources in HF, VHF and UHF frequency ranges
- Provides the possibility to control a lot of modern searching and monitoring receivers (e.g. IZ 225)
- Setting the basic receiver parameters
- Monitoring of one certain frequency with level measurement of monitored signals with graphics presentation
- Storage of measured levels with time stamp, operator's text notes, GPS position and antenna's direction to binary fi le (can be converted to text file suitable for spreadsheet)
- Audio recording receiver output synchronized with measurement
- Level triggered saving and audio recording
- Operating system – MS Windows family
Presentation of Measurement Results
- Simple level indicator (FFMod GUI)
- Time versus level (dBmV/dBmW)
- Frequencies (memories) versus level (dBmV/dBmW)
- Frequencies (memories) versus time (waterfall)
- Spreadsheet and text files
Receiver Data Interface Support
- RS 232
- IEEE 488
Fig. 1: IF spectrum presentation (IFPan)
- Monitoring of signals stored in receiver memory, (MScan GUI) number of monitored memories depend on receiver
- Searching for new signal sources in chosen bands (FScan GUI) up to 50 bands
- IF spectrum presentation (IFPan GUI)
- On-line switching between searching modes and fixed frequency
- Storing all measurements into binary file and replay, possibility of graphs generation
- Averaging of stored values
- Zooming for FScan and MScan
- DIGIScan presentation (wide band panorama scan with ability of frequency agile signal recognition)
- Possibility of handoff direction finding or support of direction finders with results presentation in GEO3D software
- Multireceiver control (SpeConMan), sharing among operators, time job management etc.
- Sending frequency from FScan and MScan GUI to FFMod
- Support GPS receivers and add position stamps into measurement
- Multilingual version
Fig. 2: Presentation of scan results (FScan)
Fig. 3: Monitoring of one frequency (FFMod)